Gartner’s research shows that with the predictive approach, employees apply only 37% of the new skills they learn.

What are your biggest challenges when delivering employee learning and development? Perhaps you struggle with the forgetting curve and the inability of workers to remember important information. Maybe the learning method in place is inflexible or there are time constraints that cause issues.

Regardless of where you fall on this spectrum, microlearning could be the answer. 

What Is Microlearning?

Microlearning is a form of corporate training that breaks knowledge modules down into small chunks for flexible and easy-to-access information that can be learned just in time to use in the organization.

It is a method of training and teaching employees quickly while reaching your intended goals.

It includes short bits of text, concise videos, quick games, visually compelling infographics, and other types of blended learning content that captures the learner’s short attention span. It’s a form of employee learning that focuses on efficiency, knowledge retention, and sharing the most important information.

Microlearning courses can help with the challenges of integrating learning into the flow of work. Since the lessons are quick and can be accessed from anywhere, there’s always time to pop in and learn something new.

5 Best Practices to Leverage Microlearning for Effective Employee Development

According to a report by Deloitte, 58% of organizations are actively using microlearning to deliver training and improve employee performance.

While microlearning content is useful in all sorts of situations, it has to be designed to be impactful for the learner. Creating the right experience is a must if you choose to turn to short learning methods like these. Below, we’ve covered five microlearning best practices for effective learning experience and employee development.

1. Ensure Your Microlearning Strategy is Mobile-Friendly

One of the most important aspects of a microlearning strategy is making it mobile-friendly. This gives workers the ability to learn on the go from any location. Mobile learning lets people learn in the environment and at the time that works best for them. This makes it far more likely that the content will be covered.

Disprz LMS lets you automate workflows related to employee performance. It includes microlearning experiences, such as curated pathways, on-the-job training, live training, and manager coaching from any location.

A mobile microlearning platform lets you turn this idle time into productive working time. For example, someone who is waiting for a client can log into the system and do some microlearning modules to take advantage of extra moments.

2. Utilize Gamification to Make Microlearning More Engaging

Everyone wants to feel engaged while learning. It’s an excellent way to ensure that workers learn the material rather than just passing through it and moving on. There are many ways to make a more engaging and collaborative learning process, but one of the best is gamification. By adding gaming elements like polls, a roulette wheel, and sticky notes, you can make online learning sessions interactive and engaging.

Zippia shows that gamification results in 14% higher scores on skill-based assessments. In addition, when gamification is used for work incentives, it results in better employee performance and customer satisfaction.

3. Analyze the Effectiveness of Your Microlearning Program

Once you have a microlearning platform and system in use, how do you ensure it’s doing the job? You should monitor the different types of training content you use and track which of them are working best for your employees.

For instance, track the course enrollment and completion rate to find out which modules are being completed and impart the most knowledge in your workforce.

4. Provide a Variety of Content Formats for Microlearning

When choosing the best bite sized learning content to include in your microlearning efforts, be sure you also select impactful content. You can’t get by with blocks of text that take forever to read. Instead, make it more interesting by incorporating statistics, a short video, or lots of images/graphics. 

5. Promote Continuous Learning

Even with the best microlearning options, it’s important to create a culture of continuous learning that goes beyond basic employee training. This is the best way to improve learner engagement, help workers retain knowledge, and continuously gain access to new ideas and thoughts. It may require a change to the company culture but it’s well worth it for an engaged workforce and better worker retention.

How to Offer the Best Microlearning Experience with an Employee Learning Platform

Microlearning is a great way to share learning experiences in the workplace without the need to spend a great deal of time on the process. Microlearning offers a host of benefits to organizations and could be the right fit for your company. 

Disprz LMS is one of the best ways to implement the needed technology for microlearning at your business. It’s fully compatible with mobile devices, offers rich analytics to gauge what content works best, and is the premier method of sharing microlearning experiences.