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What is the Difference Between Training and Upskilling?

Training and upskilling serve distinct but complementary purposes. Training typically refers to the initial learning and development provided to employees to equip them with the foundational skills and knowledge necessary for their current roles.

This could include onboarding new hires or teaching basic skills relevant to specific job functions. The focus is often on standardizing practices and ensuring that all employees have a baseline competency.

Upskilling, on the other hand, is aimed at enhancing existing skills and preparing employees for more advanced or evolving roles within the organization. It involves continuous learning and development to keep pace with industry changes, new technologies, or expanded responsibilities.

Upskilling often targets specific areas for improvement or growth, allowing employees to advance in their careers and contribute more strategically to the organization's success. While training provides the groundwork, upskilling builds on that foundation to drive personal and professional growth.

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