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How is Blended Learning Different from Hybrid Learning Model?

Blended learning and hybrid learning models both integrate online and offline components, but they differ in their approaches and objectives. Blended learning combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online activities, creating a more flexible and engaging learning environment.

This model allows learners to benefit from direct interaction with instructors while also taking advantage of digital resources and self-paced modules. The goal is to enhance learning by leveraging the strengths of both methods, ensuring a richer and more personalized learning experience.

In contrast, the hybrid learning model often refers to a flexible classroom environment where students can choose between attending classes in person or participating online.

This model emphasizes adaptability, catering to diverse learner needs and circumstances by allowing them to switch between in-person and remote learning based on their preferences or logistical constraints. Hybrid learning provides greater flexibility and convenience but requires robust technology and infrastructure to support seamless transitions between modalities.

In essence, while blended learning integrates online and offline elements within a single course or program, hybrid learning focuses on offering flexible participation options across various courses or sessions.

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