Investing capital in any new technology can be a daunting experience for a start-up. With hundreds of LMS in the market, it is undoubtedly not a walk in the park.

LMS vendor statistics

Some LMS solutions don’t have the required features and fail to scale with the challenging learning trends. It is essential to be extra cautious and assess the long-term value of the learning tool. Try to amass maximum information from your LMS vendor; don’t let the cloud of doubt hover over your mind.

8 Questions a Startup Must Ask To Find the Best LMS Vendor

Here are a few critical questions that you must ask your LMS vendor:

1. Can the LMS manage the complete employee lifecycle?

Opt for a solution that is an all-rounder. It should have the capability to manage everything from onboarding to taking the employee to the next level. So check whether the LMS enables you to create onboarding journeys and learning pathways to upskill and empower your employees. Ensure that the solution you choose is well equipped with features required to address the needs of employees at different roles and levels. 

2. Does the LMS integrate with other applications?

It is exasperating to toggle between applications and update multiple systems. So to simplify your work, it is pivotal that the LMS integrates with the applications you are already using. For instance, a CRM. You can effortlessly track the KPI score of your employees when an LMS is integrated with a CRM solution. So, ask the vendor about the integration the LMS supports to ensure it fits right in your learning and development ecosystem. 

3. Does the LMS offer Gamification?

Gamification helps in making the learning experience more engaging and interactive. It even has a positive impact on the adoption rate. Therefore inquire if the LMS has a Gameinar feature with a roulette wheel and break out rooms to train your distributed workforce together. Make sure it offers sticky notes to brainstorm and a leaderboard to strike a healthy competition between your employees. Moreover, ensure it supports polls and quizzes that can help make your skilling sessions more lively. 

4. Can we drive learning in different languages using this LMS?

If you have employees spread across different cities, then make sure you ask the service provider if the LMS can support various Languages. Most employees in tier-2 and tier-3 cities aren’t comfortable with a standard language like English. To capture their attention, you need to provide the learning materials in the language they understand. Therefore check if the LMS can offer multilingual learning. 

5. Does the LMS offer a mobile-first experience? 

Mobile is being used for multiple purposes, from trading to shopping due to its convenience. To offer the same convenience to your learners, you need to ensure that the LMS has a mobile app so that your employee can learn on the go. Mobile learning gives employees the flexibility to learn at their own pace. You can effortlessly keep the employees informed about the new processes and updates. A mobile LMS is like a reservoir of knowledge that too at your fingertips. 

6. Does it offer visibility into learning progress?

To measure the effectiveness of your learning programs, opt for a solution that helps you track employee learning behaviours. After investing time, effort and money, you would want to know if the employees are completing or ignoring the courses. So ensure that the LMS gives visibility into vital learning metrics. Using the insights collected from the LMS, you can take real-time action to make your organisation’s learning more effective.

7. How can I increase the learning adoption with your LMS?

You would want to know the strengths of the LMS that you are planning to purchase. Often Service providers mention the USP of a solution when you highlight a pain point. Therefore ask directly how can you increase the adoption and completion rate with the LMS to get the best returns of your investment. This will help you in understanding the solution better to make the right decision. 

8. How do the LMS features grow to address our company’s future needs?

The enterprise learning space is evolving at a fast pace. You would want a solution that scales with the changing learning trends. So, find out if the LMS can meet the future learning needs of your organisation. Inquire how often they release new updates and whether they strengthen their solution as per their clients’ feedback. Ask what they’ve planned to upgrade in their LMS in 2022. It is good to know which features are in their pipeline as it will help you visualise the future development of the solution. 


Selecting a specific LMS is not a simple task, especially for a startup. If you make the wrong decision, you will have to go through the entire process again, which is very time-consuming. Therefore analyse your needs and ask the right questions to choose the best LMS for your organisation. Choose an LMS vendor that will support you in making the most of the solution. Request a demo or see a preview of the solution to understand the LMS better. Make the LMS you choose have all the necessary features to take your employee learning to the next level. You can explore disprz LMS that is packed with rich features to address end-to-end learning needs. It supports diverse content formats and even offers a social platform like buzz to boost collaborative learning. Request a demo to explore various features of the advanced LMS.