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LXP business case
4 min read
• 12 Feb 2024

Unlock Cost Savings: The Power of Skilling Technology

In today's fast-paced business environment, investing in employee learning and development (L&D)...
 Winning L&D Strategy For Your Organization
LXP business case
7 min read
• 24 Jan 2024

How to Craft a Winning L&D Strategy For Your Organization?

In the last decade, workplaces changed a lot because of intense competition, the digital...
craft a powerful business case for investment
LMS LXP business case
5 min read
• 23 Jan 2024

How to Build a Business Case to Buy Skilling Technology

Making the decision to invest in a new skilling technology holds significant weight for any...
Enhances On-the-job Learning
LMS on the job learning On-the-job training LXP
10 min read
• 24 Nov 2023

Discover How an AI-Powered LXP Enhances On-the-job Learning

In the past, employee training often resembled a one-size-fits-all approach. New hires and current...
Choose the Best Platform - LMS Vs LXP
Learning Platform LMS LXP
5 min read
• 28 Aug 2023

LXP vs LMS: Which Learning Platform to Choose?

According to a recent research report; the global Learning Experience Platform (LXP) Market in...
Stay Ahead Emerging Trends in Corporate L&D
corporate learning LXP Learning & Development
4 min read
• 08 Feb 2023

5 Learning and Development Trends for 2024

Did you know that 88% of c-suite executives believe providing employees access to learning and...
Tips to boosting corporate learning development
Thought-Leading Insights corporate learning LXP
2 min read
• 02 Feb 2023

Corporate Learning and Development – 4 Strategies to Boost Employee Interest

Did you know that businesses with high employee engagement have 21% higher profitability & 17%...
increase engagement rates and drive employee learning
Thought-Leading Insights Learning Delivery LXP
4 min read
• 24 Jan 2023

Innovate Employee Learning: 3 Strategies to Increase Learner Engagement Rates

Your L&D program’s success depends highly on learner engagement. In fact, 93% of employees state...
Learning Strategies Thought-Leading Insights LXP
3 min read
• 27 Dec 2022

How Can Organizations Leverage Technology To Create The Right Skilled Workforce?

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, having the right skilled workforce is crucial for...
Learning Experience Platform Insurance industry LXP
3 min read
• 10 Aug 2021

How Insurance Industry Can Benefit From LXP

Insurance is a complex market, it is like playing roulette in Las Vegas you never know what might...
Learning Experience Platform upskilling LXP
3 min read
• 27 Jul 2021

LXP Platform: Experience a Smarter Approach to Learning and Upskilling

The world of work is constantly evolving, and to keep up, you need to ensure your employees stay...

Discover how Disprz can align learning and upskilling with your desired business outcomes.